"many of those still prevail until beta 15"

Actually Beta 16 is being released today.

Don't let the lack of ready contributed modules be a distraction. Instead, look at it is a motivation and tool. If there's a larger module you must use, then try converting it. It's a great tool to learn all the changes that Drupal 8 has. Also it is a great time to re-evaluate site structures. As an example, I used Panels pretty heavily in client sites throughout the years. The problem is clients rather pay me to make even the most minor changes, than learn how to use panels or even mess with it. That's made me decide to drop Panels from some larger projects, and instead push everything through template functions and files. This makes it a lot simpler to push out changes as I simply can just push them through GIT, plus have the ability to now easily roll back.

Likewise, on some modules that may be broken, especially between beta releases, usually you can fix them yourself quicker than looking for a patch or anything. A lot of times it turns out something changed in the type hinting for method calls, and if you use a decent IDE, it's very simple to find.

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