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Hi Madelyn, glad the code is helpful!

1) This code is not meant to prevent deletion of parent/child terms. It prevents deletion of terms that are referenced by a node. Eg. if at least one of your nodes was tagged with a taxonomy term named 'tag1', you will not be able to delete 'tag1'.

However I just realized that there is a possible scenario of unintentional deletion even with this code in place. Before deleting a parent item, this code checks whether it is referenced by nodes, but does not check the term's children. The problem is Drupal will delete children automatically when deleting a parent term. My use case doesn't require parent/children relationships, so I haven't encountered this issue yet. If you find a clean solution for this, let me know.

2) When there is only one statement, you can skip the brackets to save a line of code.

  1. if ($show_insides)
  2. print 'I am inside the if statement.';
  3. print 'I am outside.';

Not sure if this adheres to Drupal coding standards. Either way correct indentation is critical for readability.

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